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2024 Federal Criminal Law Seminar: Key Insights From The FBA

2024 Federal Criminal Law Seminar: Key Insights from the FBA

On May 16, 2024, DLA Piper’s Chicago office hosted the 2024 federal criminal law seminar with the Federal Bar Association Chicago Chapter. Titled “Hot Topics and Current Trends in Federal Criminal Law,” this comprehensive afternoon session was designed for novice and seasoned practitioners to provide an in-depth understanding of the prevailing dynamics and anticipated future directions in critical areas of federal criminal law.

The event’s agenda included engaging panel discussions and a special fireside chat. Overall, it offered invaluable insights from a distinguished lineup of speakers, including federal judges, leading attorneys, and senior government officials.

Overview of the 2024 Federal Criminal Law Seminar

The 2024 federal criminal law seminar began with an engaging panel discussion on Insider Trading, moderated by Clifford C. Histed, a partner at K&L Gates LLP. This panel featured notable experts, including Carly A. Chocron, Associate at Taft, Stettinius, and Hollister LLP; Daniel J. Hayes, Partner at Venable LLP; Allison Passman, Chief Trial Attorney at the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission; and Jason Yonan, Chief of the U.S. Securities and Commodities Section at the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Northern District of Illinois.

The panelists explored the intricacies of insider trading cases, highlighting recent trends, landmark cases, and the hurdles encountered in prosecuting these offenses. They underscored the necessity for robust compliance programs and proactive strategies to thwart insider trading within corporations.

Insider Trading Panel (1:00 PM – 2:00 PM)

The event commenced with a compelling discussion on Insider Trading, moderated by Clifford C. Histed, a partner at K&L Gates LLP. The panel featured:

  • Carly A. Chocron, Associate at Taft, Stettinius, and Hollister LLP
  • Daniel J. Hayes, Partner at Venable LLP
  • Allison Passman, Chief Trial Attorney at the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission
  • Jason Yonan, Chief of the U.S. Securities and Commodities Section at the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Northern District of Illinois

The panelists delved into the complexities of insider trading cases, discussing recent trends, significant cases, and the challenges faced in prosecuting such offenses. They emphasized the importance of robust compliance programs and proactive measures to prevent insider trading activities within corporations.

Public Corruption Panel (2:00 PM – 3:00 PM)

Following the Insider Trading Panel, the focus shifted to Public Corruption, moderated by Nancy DePodesta, Partner and Co-Chair of the White Collar and Government Enforcement Practice at Saul Ewing LLP. The esteemed panel included:

This session provided an in-depth analysis of public corruption cases, exploring the latest legal developments, high-profile prosecutions, and the ethical considerations involved. The panelists highlighted the critical role of transparency and accountability in maintaining public trust and preventing corruption within governmental institutions.

Fireside Chat with Acting United States Attorney (3:00 PM – 4:00 PM)

The event’s highlight was the fireside chat with Acting United States Attorney Morris O. Pasqual, Jr., who shared his extensive experience and insights into federal criminal law enforcement. Sergio E. Acosta, Partner and Co-Chair of the White Collar and Government Investigations Practice at Akerman LLP, moderated the discussion.

Morris O. Pasqual, Jr. provided a comprehensive overview of his office’s priorities, including combating violent crime, addressing cyber threats, and ensuring justice in financial fraud cases. He also discussed the challenges and opportunities in federal criminal prosecution, offering practical advice for practitioners navigating this complex legal landscape.

Reception (4:00 PM – 4:30 PM)

The event concluded with a reception sponsored by DLA Piper, allowing attendees to network with peers and discuss the insights shared during the panels. Light appetizers, wine, beer, and non-alcoholic beverages were served, fostering an environment of collegiality and professional exchange.

Key Takeaways from the 2024 Federal Criminal Law Seminar

  1. Insider Trading Enforcement: The panel underscored the evolving nature of insider trading enforcement, with increased scrutiny on corporate practices and individual accountability. The discussion highlighted significant cases and provided practical advice on mitigating risks and ensuring compliance.
  2. Public Corruption Challenges: Addressing public corruption, the panelists emphasized the necessity of rigorous enforcement and the role of ethical standards in preventing abuse of power. The session thoroughly examined recent cases and the strategies employed to combat corruption.
  3. Federal Prosecution Priorities: The fireside chat with Morris O. Pasqual, Jr., offered a unique glimpse into the U.S. Attorney’s Office’s strategic priorities. The discussion covered various aspects of federal criminal law enforcement, from tackling violent crime to addressing emerging cyber threats.
  4. Networking and Professional Development: The event served as a platform for legal professionals to connect, share experiences, and gain insights from leading experts in the field. The reception provided a relaxed setting for attendees to engage in meaningful discussions and build professional relationships.


The 2024 federal criminal law seminar was a resounding success. It offered a rich blend of expert commentary, practical advice, and networking opportunities. Focusing on critical areas of federal criminal law, the event gave attendees a deeper understanding of the current legal landscape. It equipped them with the knowledge to navigate future challenges effectively.

The distinguished panelists and moderators shared their expertise on insider trading, public corruption, and federal prosecution priorities, ensuring attendees left with actionable insights and a renewed commitment to upholding the principles of justice. This event underscored the importance of continuous learning and professional development in the ever-evolving field of federal criminal law.

Do you want to stay involved with the Federal Bar Association Chicago Chapter? Explore our upcoming events and educational opportunities for attorneys!


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